Oh yeah boys n girls , 无声抗议happening in Shibuya , Tokyo ! If you are a Malaysian you should join this with us ~~ We are standing beside the road , holding the card and showing to all people how funny is Malaysia ? How politic status in Malaysia ? How stupid is our precious government !! This is because we LOVE our country , so we should do this ... It's just a simple reason .
マレーシアの民主主義が死にました!DEMOCRACY IS DEAD !
Even just a feww Malaysian , but it's already showing how we love this country , how we appreciate our country ! While we are standing there , there is a lot of Japanese , Indian , other foreign people stop a seconds watching us , taking photos , asking about this ... they are concern about it !!
That is the first time I attending this kind of activity .. we are wearing a mask with a cross !
I love this photo so much !! from other country ... China , Taiwan ~~
SAVE MALAYSIA ! マレーシアを救う!
Goodnight Malaysia , I LOVE MALAYSIA !