Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tak Nak !!

Once You Start, It's Hard to Stop !!

Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal.

Some claim that about 10 million people in the United States have died from causes attributed to smoking ( including heart disease , emphysema, and other respiratory diseases ) sinece the first Surgeon General's report on smoking and health in 1964 with 2 million of these deaths the result of lung cancer alone .In fact , they like to say that " Cigarette smoking is the single most preventable cause of permature death in the United States . " 
#smoking kills ! 
Everyone knows the dangers and the effects of SECONDHAND SMOKE ! Secondhand smoke is a serious business , and should be concern for anyone who breathes it in .Non- smokers inhaling secondhand smoke share some of the health risks smokers face . But smokers do face the worst of it - the risks of smoking are compounded by breathing cigarette smoke in for a second time .
If you stop holding a cigarette or smoking it , you may save your money !! #DUITFREE !!! can save money and use it another good way ! 

The Ministry of Health is very graciously organizing a #duitfree contest on our Nuffnang platform .
You may follow the T&C below , if you are a nuffnangers ! 
To enter this contest, what you have to do is:
• Take a photo with the theme of the ‘Tak Nak’ campaign without using cigarettes or cigarette boxes as props
• Post it on your blog as an update
• Include key words such as #taknak, photo contest / duit free and smoking kills
• Link the gayahidupsihat.my
• Once you have published the post, submit your permalink in the form below

For more information , you may check out from here . 

TAK NAK ! It may change your life =) 

This video is one of the ads for the Tak Nak Campaigns ran by The Ministry of Health =)


Ginny Hana ◕‿◕。 said...

support TAK NAK too!
I hate smoker!! :)

LydSunshine said...

Good luck dear. :)

Anonymous said...

saya tak suka perokok!! sebab membuatkan bau rokok tu lekata pada baju saya! TAK NAK!

minah senget said...


chicha said...

go go nana cool idea...:)

zey said...

tak nak! XD